Do Animals Show Empathy?
Claus Lamm and Magdalena Boch publish an article (as part of a larger series on Animal Cognition) in renowned public science journal "Gehirn und Geist"
Rats freeing fellow rats, or monkeys comforting each other: Animals often seem very empathetic. There is indeed much to suggest for such sentience. However, we should probably not use the term "empathy" to refer too much to how it is used in humans.
The full issue can be found and purchased here:
Can Dogs Read Our Minds?
A report in the TV format "P.M. Wissen" on Servus TV about investigating dogs ability to understand humans
For dog owners, there is no question about it: their dogs understand them! But how deeply can dogs truly look into our brains? Can they even read our thoughts? Behavioral scientists from Vienna are trying to find out through unusual experiments.
Examining Dog Brains
(How) Is this possible? Magdalena Boch and Claus Lamm on "Hallo Okidoki"
Magdalena Boch and Claus Lamm from the SCAN-Unit explain on the ORF 1 children's TV-program, how they study the brains of specially trained dogs through fMRI-research and what we can learn about the social cognition of pet dogs. In particular, they found that dogs process human faces and bodies in similar brain regions as humans do.
What the Glance into the Brain of Dogs Reveals
A report in the German TV format "Quarks" on WDR (ARD) about investigating whether dogs can experience jealousy through training them to remain in position during an MRI-Scan
The results are surprising and indicate a strong bond between dogs and humans. A captivating insight into the emotions of our four-legged friends!
How Dogs Read Human Body Language
A report in the news program "ZIB1" about a recently published study led by Magdalena Boch
How dogs read human body language
Dogs read body language of humans and conspecifics with the same brain regions, cognition scientists from Vienna report. This is supposed to underline the close relationship between dogs and humans. The species may not be closely related, but close companions for millennia.
Dogs and Feelings
A report in the TV format "NANO" on 3sat about the research of Claus Lamm and his team with the Clever Dog Lab
What do dogs feel, when the owners scratch another conspecifics ears? To answer this question objectively, a team of scientists at the Clever Dog Lab and the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Vienna looked into the brains of these animals.
In the Lab of the Clever Dogs
Februar 2023
A report about the research of Claus Lamm and his team with the Clever Dog Lab in the "P. M." Magazine
In the Lab of the Clever Dogs
The science of dogs entails huge potential, even for humans. Because both species have more in common than previously thought. The long underestimated field of research could even deliver the key to curing many diseases.
Excerpt from the article
As part of our ongoing efforts to keep dog owners informed about our research, we have created a series of videos.
Im Rahmen unserer kontinuierlichen Bemühungen, Hundehalter*innen über unsere Forschung auf dem Laufenden zu halten, haben wir eine Reihe von Videos erstellt.
In this video, Magdalena Boch introduces herself and discusses current research questions. She also summarizes the findings from two recent studies on "Action Observation" and "Body Perception" in dogs, both published in 2023.
Im folgenden Video stellt sich Magdalena Boch vor und spricht über ihre aktuelle Forschungsfragen. Sie fasst außerdem die Ergebnisse zweier aktueller Studien zu „Action Observation“ und „Body Perception“ bei Hunden zusammen, die beide 2023 veröffentlicht wurden.
In the second video, Magdalena Boch introduces another core aspect of our research: improving existing analysis methods. She presents findings from a published study ("Tailored haemodynamic response function increases detection power of fMRI in awake dogs (Canis familiaris)") and discusses a follow-up project funded by her “For Women in Science” research fellowship, awarded by L’Oréal and UNESCO Austria.
Im zweiten Video stellt Magdalena Boch ein weiteres zentrales Standbein unserer Forschung vor: die Verbesserung vorherrschender Analysemethoden. Sie präsentiert Ergebnisse einer bereits veröffentlichten Studie ("Tailored haemodynamic response function increases detection power of fMRI in awake dogs (Canis familiaris)") und spricht über ein darauf aufbauendes Projekt, das im Rahmen ihres Forschungsstipendiums „For Women in Science“ von L’Oréal und der UNESCO Österreich gefördert wird.